There were Forty Friends who helped in the best of ways and for the best of reasons.  They helped out of friendship, expecting no reward, or recognition.  They helped a friend  to try to reach a goal held high.  They lifted her up with their words of friendship and their votes of confidence.  These Friends shall be hence known as The Fabulous Forty
Dear Friends,
The fact that you were there for me, is one that I will not forget.  I appreciate and celebrate your friendship.  This thank you comes from my heart.  I made this background with you in mind.  You are stars!  Your generous spirit shines with a brilliant light.  You have brightened my life and because of you I feel beautiful and right with the world.  I can't feel sad about not winning the contest because your friendship puts a smile on my face and a happy feeling in my heart!  Please accept my most sincere gratitude and this little friendship award that I made for you.  It's my own original mardi gras artwork, so I hope you like it.  I'm proud to call you friend.
I'd like to include a link to your site here.  It would help me out tremendously if you could fill in the information below so that I will have your current site url.  I'd like to visit each and every one of you over the next few weeks. 
Wish Upon A Star